Azerbaijan Republic İnternational Bank Transport Branch

Date: 07 February 2011 Loan No. and Title: Loan 2354-AZE: Road Network Development Project, Project 1: Southern Corridor İmprovement Project: Contract No and Title: Lot 1 - Ashagi Salahl? Road Contract No2354AZE/NCB/02 Lot 2- Delimemmedli-Qushchular Road Contract No2354AZE/NCB/03 Lot 3- M2 - Semedabad - Ahmedabad Road Contract No2354AZE/NCB/04 Lot 4- M2 - Nadirkend Road - Contract No2354AZE/NCB/05
Deadline for Bids: 4 March, 2011
1.The Government of Azerbaijan has received a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of the Road Network Development Program Project 1, and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of rural roads located in Gazakh and Goranboy regions.
2.The "Azerroadservice" OJC ("the Employer") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of rural roads located in Gazakh and Goranboy regions under Package 2 contracts ("the Works") covering 4 lots as follows:
Lot 1: Contract No.2354AZE/NCB/02 - Ashagi-Salahli Road
Lot 2: Contract No.2354AZE/NCB/03 - Delimemmedli-Qushchular Road
Lot 3: Contract No.2354AZE/NCB/04 - Semedabad-Ahmedabad Road
Lot 4: Contract No.2354AZE/NCB/05 - M2- Nadirkend Road
3.National competitive bidding (NCB) will be conducted in accordance with ADB's Single-Stage: One-Envelope Bidding Procedure The Works are grouped in multiple contracts. Bidder/s may bid for one lot or combination of two or more lots. Bidders wishing to offer discounts will be allowed to do so provided the discounts are included in the Letter of Bid or submitted in writing before the deadline for bid submission.
4.The Bidder, either as a single entity or joint venture, shall meet all the qualification criteria set forth in the Bidding Documents, such as general construction experience of at least 2 years, relevant minimum Average Annual Construction Turnover, Specific construction experience either as a contractor, management contractor or subcontractor in at least 1 contract of similar size and nature within the last 3 years, availability of essential equipment and experienced Key Personnel. The details of the above mentioned requirements are specified in the Bidding Documents.
5.To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents, bidders should contact:
Attention: Mr. Adil Gojayev PİU Director 72/4 U. Hajibeyov Street, Baku AZ 1010 Telephone: (+994 12) 4930045 Facsimile: (+994 12) 4934665 Email address: [email protected]
6.To purchase the bidding documents in English, eligible bidders should:
a.Write to address above requesting bidding documents for Multi-financing Facility for Road Network Program, Rehabilitation of Local roads Package - 2.
b.Pay a non-refundable fee of 150 (one hundred fifty) AZN or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency or by bank transfer to the following specified account during office hours (local time 10:00 am to 17:00 pm) on working days from Monday to Friday.
Azerbaijan Republic İnternational Bank Transport Branch
Account No: 333060194749345490205 AZN
33316018409345490205 USD
İdentification No: 9900013141
7.Deliver your bid: a.To the address above b.On or before the deadline: 4 March, 2011 at 17:00 hours together with a Bid Security of
Lot 1 - 20 000 AZN
Lot 2- 17 000 AZN
Lot 3- 22 000 AZN
Lot 4- 20 000 AZN

or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency
Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend.{nl}



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