Addendum No 1 To Specıfıc Procurement Notıce Republıc of Azerbaıjan

State Service For Management of Agricultural Projects and Credits Under The Ministry of Agriculture Integrated Rural Development Project Constructıon Works  on Rehabılıtatıon of  Irrıgatıon and Draınage Infrastructure

Mode of Financing: Ordinary Istisna’a, Istisna’a under Jeddah Declaration

Financing No. AZ-034, 035, 036

Contract/Bid No. RIDS-W-1-A

The provisions of this Addendum No 1 are being issued to modify or amend certain provisions of the previously published Specific Procurement Notice for the “Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure of Water Users Associations located at Yevlakh district” as a result of changing circumstances or additional information being available from the Employer. The SPN is hereby amended as below.

The following shall be deleted in the previous SPN:

Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by 11:00 AM local time, May 01, 2015 and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Construction Works (Ref. No. RIDS-W-1-A) on Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure of Water Users Associations located at Yevlakh district”.

The following shall be added and referred to:

Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes, delivered to the address below by 11:00 AM local time, June 16, 2015 and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for Construction Works (Ref. No. RIDS-W-1-A) on Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure of Water Users Associations located at Yevlakh district”.

State Service for Management of Agricultural Projects and Credits

under the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Republic

Attn: Mr. Vugar Mehdiyev

IPMU Director

Address: 40, U. Hajibayov Street, Government House,

Floor/Room number: 8th Floor, Room 827, Baku city AZ1016,

Republic of Azerbaijan

Telephone: +994 12 4981176

E-mail address: [email protected]

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