Baku hosts international conference on strategic planning of education

Opening ceremony of the international scientific and educational conference on strategic planning of education was held on June 7 at the ADA University with the support of the EU Baku office. Speaking at the event, Vice Rector of the ADA University Vafa Kazdal noted that the activities in the field of education do not immediately lead to success and it takes time.

She said the participants of the conference will get acquainted with the best international experiences in the field of education, as well as hold discussions in four directions in connection with the state strategy for development of education in Azerbaijan. National and foreign experts will share their opinions during the discussions.

Minister of Education Ceyhun Bayramov, speaking at the event, noted the great importance of such a conference held at the ADA University, which is one of the leading universities in the country. He reminded that about five years have passed since the adoption of the State Strategy for the development of education in Azerbaijan.

"During this time, much work has been done and success has been achieved, active work is being done to train professional personnel, and some changes have been made in the field of higher education and primary vocational education. Over the past few years, the number of students enrolled in universities has increased by 12 percent or 4,000 people," the minister said.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Examination Center (SEC) Maleyka Abbaszade noted that the next year will be very important for the education system. "Next year, along with the students of the 9th grade, the students of the 11th grade will also take the final exams based on new programs," she said.

Aliqismet BADALOV,

“Khalq qazeti”


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