OJSC “International Bank of Azerbaijan” Announces an Open Tender

Name of the tender: Provision of consultancy services for the development of 3-year Corporate Strategy of the Open Joint Stock Company “International Bank of Azerbaijan”.

Tender is held on 1 lot.

Participants shall submit their tender proposals in a written form, signed and sealed in double envelopes.

Participants shall have necessary financial and technical capacities in order to fulfill the contract.

Participation fee – 300 AZN (177 USD)

Name of the Bank: OJSC “International Bank of Azerbaijan”

Tax Identification Number: 9900001881

Code: 805250

Correspondent Account: AZ03NABZ01350100000000002944

Account Number: AZ12IBAZ34501019440000100100    AZN

Account Number: AZ33IBAZ34511018400000100100    USD 

The participation fee will not be reimbursed in any case.

Participants can get Request for Proposal (RFP) drawn up in the Azerbaijani and English languages at: Baku city, Nasimi District, Nizami Street, 67 (contact person: Emin Ibrahimov, phone: 012 493 00 91 (internal 2700, 2703) e-mail: tender @ ibar.az).

Participants wishing to take part in the tender as the bidders should submit the following documents to the OJSC International Bank of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as OJSC IBA):

• written application for participation in the tender (cover letter);

• bank document confirming the payment of participation fee;

• tender proposal (should be valid at least 30 (thirty) banking days (should be valid at least until 09 August 2018) from the date of opening of the tender envelopes 28 June 2018);

• tender proposal guarantee in the amount of 5 (five) percent of the value of the tender proposal (should be valid at least 30 banking days from the last day of the tender proposal validity (should be valid at least until 24 September 2018);

• bank reference of the financial standing/position of the bidder for the last year (in case of a shorter period of operation, then for the whole period of operation);

• reference from the relevant tax authorities on the absence of overdue liabilities of the bidder in respect of taxes and other obligatory payments;

• copy of the financial report/statement approved by the tax authorities on the bidder's activity for the last year;

• full name, legal status, charter, country of registration and bank details of the bidder;

• other documents provided in the RFP.

All documents shall be prepared in two copies (original and copy) in Azerbaijani, English or Russian.

Bidders must submit the above-mentioned documents (except tender proposal and tender proposal guarantee) before 17:00, 20 June 2018;

Tender proposal and tender proposal guarantee in sealed double envelopes before 17:00, 27 June 2018 at the address: Baku city, Nasimi District, Nizami Street, 67

Envelopes submitted after the mentioned deadline will be returned to the bidder unopened, and his / her participation in theTender will not be allowed.

Tender proposals will be opened by the Tender Commission at the Main office of the OJSC “International Bank of Azerbaijan” at the address: Baku city, Nasimi District, Nizami Street, 67 on 28 June 2018 at 11.00.

Bidders or their authorized representatives may participate in the opening of tender envelopes.

Tender commission

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