Winners of Baku Marathon-2018 awarded

A ceremony has been held to award the winners of Baku Marathon-2018, which was arranged under the auspices of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Awards were granted in two categories: the first three places among men and women. Winners of the first places in both categories were awarded 3,000 AZN, whereas the second and third prize winners got 2,000 and 1,000 AZN respectively along with gifts, medals and certificates.

Ukrainian citizen Igor Olefirenko won the men`s event, followed by Iranian Muhammad Jafar Muradi and Turkey`s Omer Alkanoglu.

In the women`s event, Turkish Celik Fatime finished first, Ukraine`s Valentina Poltavska ranked second while Russia Anastasia Petrova came third.

The semi-marathon covered a distance of 21 kilometers, starting at the national Flag Square and finishing at Baku Olympic Stadium.

The marathon aimed to develop sport industry, create investment opportunities through attracting potential investors for raising additional funding, promote healthy lifestyle, and attract tourists.

This year’s semi-marathon was open to anyone above the age of 16 upon prior registration, and the event got nearly 18,000 registered participants.

The funds to be raised by the marathon will be spent to fund the Heydar Aliyev Foundation`s project to help children deprived of parental care.


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