FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup kicks off in Baku

FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup has begun at Milli Gimnastika Arenası (National Gymnastics Arena) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

127 gymnasts from 26 countries are contesting medals in the tournament. 44 of them will perform in the individual program, while 83 gymnasts will take part within the teams in group exercises.

The gymnasts will compete in the qualifications to be held on the first two days of the events. Qualification results will define the all-around winners as well as apparatus finalists in both programs.

The best 8 gymnasts and 8 teams in group exercises will compete for the first place in the finals to be held on the last day of the events.

Azerbaijan’s hopes are pinned on seven athletes – Ayshan Bayramova, Diana Doman, Zeynab Hummatova, Aliya Pashayeva, Siena Vasileva, Zohra Aghamirova and Veronika Hudis.


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