F1 driver Sergey Sirotkin: No room for mistakes on Baku track

There is no room for mistakes on the Baku city circuit, Williams Formula 1 driver Sergey Sirotkin told the team's press service before the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Azerbaijan.

"I think that Baku track is rather complicated, combining very long, high-speed lines with hard braking zones. There is no room for mistakes, which makes the race itself interesting, giving good opportunities for overtaking," the driver said.

Reminding that the team successfully performed at the 2017 Grand Prix of Azerbaijan, Sirotkin said he is looking forward to the opportunity to start in Baku.

Formula 1 Grand Prix of Azerbaijan will be held in Baku on April 27-29.

Masaim Abdullayev,

“Khalq qazeti”



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