Veteran skater Fontana wins Italy’s first gold at Winter Olympics

Short track skater Arianna Fontana, once a winner of five Olympic medals, finally realized her "gold" dream by winning Italy the first gold medal at PyeongChang Olympics on Tuesday, triumphing in the women's 500m final with 42.569 seconds, according to Xinhua.

Yara Van Kerkhof of the Netherlands took home the silver medal in 43.256 and Kim Boutin of Canada the bronze in 43.881. It's also their first time to stand on the Olympic podium. Vancouver silver medallist Elise Christie of Britain finish the fourth in 1:23.063.

Grabbing the Italian national flag in hand, the 27-year-old veteran, also the Sochi silver medallist of the event, burst into tears while celebrating the long-cherished championship with her coach, who jumped onto the barrier trunk and held her tight in arms.

"I trained very hard. I did some diet to lose some weight to get here really light, so that I can be fast. I did everything I could do to get here in the top shape," Fontana told Xinhua.


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