Track changes at Baku City Circuit

A number of changes have been made at the Baku City circuit ahead of this weekend's Azerbaijan Grand Prix.

Firstly, the walls at the end of the run-off areas in Turns 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 15 have been moved back from the track to provide additional space.

Also, the TecPro barriers in Turns 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 15 have been improved by the addition of new blocks in front of the previous arrays, while kerbs have been removed and the ground painted at the exit of Turn 1, the apices of Turns 3 and 5 and the track/pit exit separator.

New openings have been placed in the walls for the recovery of cars on the left before Turn 7 and on the right in Turn 18. Additionally, a number of new gates in the walls have been installed to ease circulation after track running finishes.

Finally, the SAFER barriers around the outside of turns 13 and 19 have both been extended by 34m.

Once again, there are two DRS zones, the first has its detection at the SC2 line and activation 54m after Turn 2, while the second has detection at the T20 apex and activation 347m after Turn 20.


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