Special discount to be offered for Azerbaijan Grand Prix ticketholders

Nearly 50 companies will offer special discount up to 20 per cent for 2017 Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix ticketholders.

On May 30, memorandum of understanding on cooperation between Baku City Circuit Operations Company (BCC) and Alliance for Advancement of Tourism and Cuisine (AATC) within “Positive impact of Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix on tourism development” project was signed.

Each participating company agrees to offer special discounts for 2017 Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix ticketholders.

The main purpose of the project is to assist private sector develop in Azerbaijan by creating effective financial opportunities for local businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises.

Baku City Circuit is 6,006 km in length. The architect of this magnificent project is the man behind the design of all modern Formula 1 tracks: Hermann Tilke.


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