Journey from the Caspian in Horadiz

The Journey from the Caspian taking place nationwide in the led up to Baku 2017 Islamic Solidarity Games arrived at Horadiz town. The journey encompassing 15 regions of Azerbaijan will induce the spirit of sport celebration along with solidarity among our people.

To mark this day, the first event was held yesterday morning around the River Aras. The River Aras rises in Turkey and running over 1000 km distance flows into the Caspian Sea.

During the Water Ceremony painting enthusiast Zenfira Zalova, Freestyle Wrestler Emeritus of the USSR, Honorary Physical Training and Sport Figure of the Republic of Azerbaijan Farrukh Gurbarov and the World and the European Karate Championships Gold Medal Winner Israil Asgerovn filled a special vessel with the water from the river, which were presented in the Water Festival later in the evening.

It should be noted that the Journey from the Caspian launched in Baku will be finalised as a part of the Opening Ceremony of the Islamic Solidarity Games to be held in Baku Olympic Stadium on May 12.


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