Monuments of official symbols of Baku 2017 Islamic Solidarity Games coloured in Icheri Sheher

The big event of colouring the monuments of the Mascots – Inje and Jasur, official symbols of Baku 2017 Islamic Solidarity Games, took place in Icheri Sheher.

To implement this mission six young painters from Art Academy were chosen by Mascots layout painting competition. Two winning designs of the contest were revealed – one pair from Children Gallery and another from Azerbaijan State Art Academy.

By doing so Baku 2017 gave a great opportunity to children of 6-13 ages, as well as to young artists from Art Academy to create their own design Mascot look and to take part in historical sport event.

One pair of the Mascots statues were coloured in original colours, and the other two pairs were coloured as the winning designs.

The main aim of Mascots Statues Colouring event was to engage city population and tourists as well as raise public awareness of Baku 2017 Islamic Games. An interactive digital contest was also organized during the event. Within the contest the participants had to collect the images of Mascots hidden along the given route via the app installed on their mobile devices. Mascots toys were presented to the first 30 winners (15 Ince and 15 Jasur).

Further, Mascot’s statues coloured in original Baku 2017 design will be placed at Nizami street, within the framework of Games, as this street considered to be the most populated location in the city. The second pair of statues coloured according to Art Academy’s design will remain in Old City, and the third pair designed by Children’s Gallery will bring the spirit of the Baku 2017 Games to citizens and guests of the capital at the Boulevard.


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