Nar chosen as Official Mobile Telecommunication Partner of Baku 2017 Games

Nar has been chosen as the official mobile telecommunication partner of the Baku 2017 Games, which will be held from 12 to 22 May. The partnership agreement was signed by officials of both companies. During the Baku 2017 Games, Nar will provide mobile telecommunications services such as calls and data services, operational support and an Information Contact Center.

Elchin Safarov, Corporate Director of Baku 2017 said: “Having great experience of operating in multi-sport event delivery, Nar has been chosen the official mobile telecommunication partner of Baku 2017 Games. The provision and coverage of high quality mobile telecommunication services during the Games is of great importance. Working together, I am sure that Nar will contribute to the successful delivery of the Baku 2017 Games.”

The CEO of Nar Klaus Mueller: “We are very proud that Nar was chosen as the official mobile telecommunication partner of Baku 2017 Games. As a partner of the first European Games, which was held two years ago, Nar earned valuable experience of partnership in important projects held in the country. Based on this experience, I can assert, as an official mobile telecommunication partner of the Project, professionals of Nar will provide the organizers and participants of the Baku 2017 Games with high quality Services. I am sure that Baku 2017 Games will become a great success for Azerbaijan and it is a real honor that Nar, too, will have a share in this success.”


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