Janez Kojicancic: “The 2019 European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) will be held in Baku”

“The 2019 European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) will be held in Baku. Up to 4,000 athletes from 50 European countries will participate in the festival”, said acting President of the European Olympic Committee (EOC) Janez Kojicancic.

Kojicancic highlighted that Azerbaijan hosted Baku-2015 First European Games and the European Grand Prix Formula One at the high level.

“Azerbaijan has also attained high results in “Rio-2016” summer Olympic games and received 18 medals. This is the best result in the Olympic history of the country”, added Kojicancic.

Vice-prisident of the Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee, member of the Executive Committee of the EOC Chingiz Huseynzadeh said that a relevant agreement on holding the festival in Baku would be signed at the meeting of the EOC Executive Committee in Switzerland on January 26.


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