News agencies can help build information bridges

News agencies let us build the information bridges to feel the rhythm of the life of the whole community, said Chairman of the CIS Council of Heads of State News Agencies Vitaly Ignatenko addressing the 16th meeting of the Council of Heads of State News Agencies of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS Information Council) in Baku on Monday.
Ignatenko said that the Information Council, which unites the CIS media agencies in a single information space, has been functioning for 17 years. According to Ignatenko, it is very important that the Council meets exactly in Azerbaijan. “We have an absolutely correct information space. Our states show a good example of the availability of different sources of information. This is the ideal to which we always strive for,” Ignatenko said.
The Council of Heads of State News Agencies of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS Information Council) has convened in Baku for its 16th meeting.
The event was attended by heads of state news agencies of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Ukraine, as well as representatives of the CIS Executive Committee.


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