Twinning project on “Strengthening of Radiation Safety Infrastructure and Development of Supporting Services” presented in Baku

On February 15th the Azerbaijan Ministry of Emergency Situations and the State Agency on Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulation together with the Radiation Protection Centre and the Central Project Management Agency of Lithuania presented the new Twinnig Project “Strengthening of Radiation Safety Infrastructure and Development of Supporting Services of the Azerbaijan Republic”.
Opening the event, Azerbaijani Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Faig Tagizade spoke of the project`s significance.
Roland Kobia, Ambassador of the European Union to Azerbaijan, Arturas Zurauskas, Lithuanian Ambassador to Azerbaijan and Albinas Mastauskas, Director of the Lithuanian Radiation Protection Center, also delivered speeches in the event.
The purpose of the 24-month long project is to increase the surveillance of exposures from ionizing radiation in Azerbaijan and to enhance the energy policy convergence in the field of control of all types of radiation sources. The project funded by the European Union will provide assistance to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and State Agency on Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulation. The total value of the contract amounts € 950,00,00.


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