Greek ambassador visits Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency

“Azerbaijan has been in a wider spotlight in Greece in recent years in terms of its achievements,” said Greek Ambassador to Azerbaijan Ioannis Metaksas in a meeting with Director General of the Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency (AzerTAc) Aslan Aslanov.
The meeting focused on the role of the state news agencies in development of the Azerbaijan-Greece relations.
Informing the ambassador about the history of AzerTAc Director General Aslan Aslanov spoke of the agency`s role in the country`s information field. It was stressed that AzerTAc had close relations with Greece`s national news agency AMNA and the agency is interested in developing relations with other press organizations.
Noting that both agencies are members of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) and the Black Sea Association of National News Agencies (PANIA), Aslan Aslanov said AzerTAc and AMNA had maintained mutual support within international news organizations.
Speaking about the 2nd Baku International Humanitarian Forum, Director General of AzerTAc praised participation of former Foreign Minister of Greece, former Mayor of Athens and Head of Greek Delegation to the OSCE Dora Bakoyannis in the forum.
They also discussed the development of cooperation in exchange of information, as well as multimedia products.


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