Ismayilli region executive authority informs

The prevention of the incident that happened in Ismayilli on January 23 and of the attempts of some destructive forces to politicize it, violate socio-political stability in the region, paralyze the activity of some government agencies proved that the people of Ismayilli, who are devoted to the Azerbaijani statehood and respect the laws, will never allow the destructive forces to act.
"Unfortunately, some internal destructive groups troubled by Azerbaijan's development and increasing influence and some anti-Azerbaijani forces are continuing their provocations. Some Russian and Azerbaijani media outlets have spread false, biased reports that the rights of the Russians living in Ismayilli, residents of Ivanovka village are violated.
We state that the Azerbaijani people have always been tolerant, the model of coexistence in the country is regarded as an example in the entire world. Like in all parts of our country, representatives of other nations live in the atmosphere of respect in Ismayilli, they have never undergone discrimination, necessary measures have been taken to solve the problems. The attempts of some forces to make the situation in Azerbaijan and its regions tense, stir up national enmity through such kind of misinformation will fail," the statement says.

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