Incoming Iranian ambassador visits Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency

On December 29th Director General of Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency (AzerTAc) Aslan Aslanov met newly appointed Iranian ambassador to the country Mohsen Pak Ayin. They exchanged views on the role of information in modern society, and the tasks of news agencies on this front.
They said information society created new duties for news agencies, and stressed the necessity of using innovative resources for surviving in global information competition.
Aslan Aslanov spoke of relations between the two nations, and stressed the role of national news agencies in developing these ties.
“AzerTAc has its office in Iran, and IRNA, in turn, has its own one in Azerbaijan.”
Noting that both agencies are members of the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies, Aslan Aslanov said AzerTAc and IRNA had been supporting each other within the organization.
Ambassador Mohsen Pak Ayin said his visit was aimed at discussing new opportunities in information exchange between Azerbaijan and Iran. The ambassador said Iran was interested in strengthening joint activities in all fields, especially in news and journalist exchange, as well as cooperation within international organizations.


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