AzerTAc`s cooperation with Japan`s news agencies discussed

On December 20th "The interest in information about Azerbaijan increased in recent years in Japan. From this point of view we appreciate AzerTAc`s relations with Japan`s leading news agencies," Japanese ambassador`s counselor Mrs. Hideko Ono said in a meeting with AzerTAc`s Director General Aslan Aslanov here at the agency.
"We are ready to support all initiatives to promote better coverage of Azerbaijan-related socio-political developments in the Japan`s press," said Ono.
She noted the embassy is ready to implement joint projects with AzerTAc.
"We would like our diplomats to cooperate closer with your agency. We would be happy to have AzerTAc`s journalists to participate in Japan`s socio-political life," she pointed out.
AzerTAc Director General Aslan Aslanov underlined the Japanese embassy has implemented important economic, cultural and social projects in Azerbaijan. He noted AzerTAc has established good contacts with Japanese`s Kyodo agency and is ready for cooperation with other media outlets of this country.
"We signed an agreement on news exchange with Kyodo a few years ago and continue cooperation both within the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies and on a bilateral basis," he said.
The Director General said he attended the OANA Executive Board Meeting organized by Kyodo. Both AzerTAc and Kyodo are members of the OANA`s board.
The Director General noted the Japan`s second largest news agency JIJI Press is keen on cooperation with AzerTAc.
Aslanov said AzerTAc is ready to cooperate with the Japanese embassy in all spheres.
The embassy proposed to organize a photo exhibition on the Japan`s life at the agency.


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