International Eurasia Press Fund marks 20th anniversary

An event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of formation of the International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF) will be held in Baku on December 4.
According to the IEPF Chairperson Umud Rahimoglu, the preparation works have been already completed.
The attendees will include foreign guests, as well as representatives of international organizations, diplomatic corps, non-governmental organizations, journalists and other high ranking bodies.
Andrei Abramov, Chief of UN's Department of Economic and Social Affairs NGO Branch will also be among participants.
The International Eurasia Press Fund (IEPF) is an independent non-governmental organization officially registered in 1992.
IEFP works primarily in three areas: Media and Civil Society Development; Peacemaking Actions and Conflictology; Refugees/IDPs problems and Community Development. The Fund had successful results in all three fields.
The Foundation regularly collaborates with such organizations as UNDP, UNHCR, the US State Department, the Survey Action Center (USA), the European Commission, NATO, the International Press Institute and others.
As a member to the International Press Institute, IEPF is involved at this influential institution's annual World Congress and General Assemblies, makes suggestions and raises issues concerning advancement of independent media in Azerbaijan.
The Fund has made significant achievements in its area of the mass media and development of civil society, where it arranges different meetings with the leading mass media structures and their representatives. IEPF has always paid special attention to media believing that it played an important role in shaping civil society and establishing a constitutional government. Supporting the independence of media from politics, achieving media's just and neutral treatment of events around, providing collaboration among media representatives in settling the Karabakh problem and ensuring international journalist support are among the main aims of IEPF. For this purpose, IEPF held several conferences, round-tables and meetings.
IEPF is holding special focus on creating areas for refugeesIDPs` self-income generation in a period of transition from humanitarian aid to development in Azerbaijan, gives priority to realization of projects aiming at the settlement of community problems, advancing entrepreneurship skills among the fleeing population.
Being a member to CRINGO`s Baku point, IEPF takes an active part in all executed projects, provisions, in the assessment and settlement of refugeeIDP`s living, social-economic, educational, health and other problems.



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