Baku hosts meeting of regional communications union and CIS meeting for informatization

The 47th meeting of the Administration Heads of the Regional Communications Union and 18th meeting of the CIS Coordinating Council for Informatization were held jointly here on Monday. Attending the meeting were Deputy Premier of Azerbaijan Abid Sharifov, Minister for Information and Communication Technologies Ali Abbasov, Director General of the International Telecommunication Union Hamadoun Toure, Russian Federation`s Minister for Communications and Mass Media Nikolay Nikiforov as well as heads of communication administration heads and others. Nikiforov touched upon information security and development of internet.
Speaking at the event, Sharifov pointed out that ICT had become one of the leading sectors in the economy of Azerbaijan. He went on to say that ICT sector has tripled over the last years.
Sharifov noted that there are 65 internet users per 100 people, of whom 30 are broadband users in Azerbaijan. He underlined that mobile communications sector has seen a sharp increase over recent years.
He pointed out that Azerbaijan would launch its first satellite in February 2013. It will cover Europe, Asia, Africa and other regions.



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