US ambassador to Azerbaijan visits Shaki

On October 5th US ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard Morningstar visited Shaki within his trip to the north-western regions of Azerbaijan. 
Shaki city Executive Power reported that the importance of such meetings in the extension of the relations between the US embassy and Shaki city were particularly underlined at the meeting held in the building of the executive power.
Ambassador Richard Morningstar noted that since the beginning of his activity in Azerbaijan, he dreamed to visit Shaki. Ambassador expressed his satisfaction to be in this city. The ambassador thanked the city leadership for their support to the Peace Corps volunteers.
During his visit, the US ambassador will meet with the Peace Corps volunteers in the region, hold discussions with the young people in the club named after Chingiz Mustafayev, visit the craft workshops and become familiar with the historical and architectural monuments of Shaki and Oghuz regions.



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