Draft Development Concept "Azerbaijan - 2020: view to the future" made public

The reforms, which have recently been implemented in Azerbaijan, contributed to obtaining important results in all fields of life activity. The macroeconomic stability and dynamic economic growth have been ensured, serious successes have been made in reducing poverty and rising social welfare of population, and economic and social infrastructure have been improved. One can say with certainty that transition period has already been completed in Azerbaijan.
Currently Azerbaijan is on the threshold of a new stage of its development. On November 29 2011 President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an executive order on drafting the Development Concept "Azerbaijan -2020: view to the future."
According to the executive order, the Administration of President by attracting the relevant state structures, scientific organizations and highly skilled specialists drew up a draft Development Concept "Azerbaijan-2020: view to the future," representing comprehensive program of our life till 2020. This basic document consists of 11 items: "Current situation", "Global and local challenges", "Azerbaijan - 2020: strategic view and main priorities", "Towards highly competitive economics", "Improvement of the transport, transit and logistics infrastructure. The balanced development of regions", "Development of information-communication technologies and ensuring transition to the information society", "Development of human potential and organization of the effective system of social protection", "Improvement of legislation and strengthening the institutional potential", "Development of the civil society", "Preservation and effective management of the cultural heritage", "Environmental protection and ecological issues".
The achievements gained over last 20 years of the independence, progressive economic development, the steady view to tomorrow and leading position in the region let our country - let by the President - set higher and more grandiose goals and determine basic tasks resulting from them.
The draft concept "Azerbaijan-2020: view to the future" was made public at www.president.az. Thus, public debates and discussions will allow forming an effective program leading the country to progress and prosperity.



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