Azerbaijan-Bulgaria diplomatic relations turn 20

On July 5th an exhibition to mark the 20th anniversary of establishment of Azerbaijan-Bulgaria diplomatic relations held in Sofia.
The event was organized by friendship groups of two countries` parliaments and Azerbaijani embassy in Bulgaria.
The event brought together Chairperson of Bulgaria`s National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva, members of the friendship group, representatives of the political parties, officials, Azeri Minister Abulfaz Garayev, Azeri MPs.
Tsacheva told of historical relations established between the two countries. She hailed interparliamentary relations and activity of the friendship groups. Tsacheva hoped the close relations between the two countries would be further expanded.
Co-chairman of Azerbaijan-Bulgaria interparliamentary friendship group, MP Siyavush Novruzov said the reciprocal visits would expand interparliamentary relations and give impetus to developing ties even more. Novruzov said conducting of such important event testifies of high-level relations between the countries` parliaments.
Co-chairman of Azerbaijan-Bulgaria interparliamentary friendship group Ramzi Osman told of dynamic development and positive interparliamentary ties between the two states.
Azerbaijani ambassador to Bulgaria Emil Karimov told of significance of such event.
The participants saw documents and photos reflecting Azerbaijan`s history, culture, cuisine, economics and tourism.



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