94th anniversary of Azerbaijan`s Armed Forces marked in China

The 94th anniversary of the founding of Azerbaijan`s Armed Forces was marked in Beijing. 
The event brought together officials, diplomats, military attaches, Azerbaijanis living in China.
Opening the event ambassador Latif Gandilov spoke of friendly relations between Azerbaijan and China. He said the army building process was one of priorities in Azerbaijan. Gandilov underlined the importance of cooperation between the two countries in this sphere, as well.
Azerbaijani military attache to China Nurulla Aliyev spoke of the history of founding of Armed Forces in his country, the role of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the army building process.
He added thanks to special attention of President Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani Army has become the post powerful army in the region. Nurulla Aliyev thanked the Chinese side for supporting Azerbaijan`s position in international organizations.
Then a documentary was demonstrated on the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.



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