Azeri MPs attend 13th congress of Ukraine Party of Regions

Deputies of the Milli Majlis, head of Azerbaijan-Ukraine working group on interparliamentary relations Eldar Ibrahimov and member of the group Siyavus Novruzov participated in the 13th congress of Ukrainian Party of Regions.
The agreement on merger of the Strong Ukraine party with the Party of Regions was signed by the leaders of the two parties - Prime Minister Mykola Azarov (Party of Regions) and Deputy Prime Minister/Social Policy Minister Serhii Tihipko (Strong Ukraine) - at the 13th congress of the Party of Regions.
In his address at the congress, Tihipko said that the merger of the Strong Ukraine party with the Party of Regions would enhance internal competition and democracy within the Party of Regions.
The presidium of the Regions Party political council, the council of regions, the local party organizations were instructed to take necessary measures to solve organizational issues related to ensuring the process of merger.



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