ANAMA and NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency sign agreement

The Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) and NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) signed an agreement of cooperation on "Cheyrancol" project.
NAMSA (50%) and the government of Azerbaijan (50%) will finance the project. About 45 employees of ANAMA and 1 mechanical demining machine will be involved in the project, said expert Parviz Gidayev.
Ceyrancol project considers the mine/UXO clearance of Ceyrancol area, which was the former reservation of the Soviet Army in the Southern Caucasus at the border with Georgia. The general area of mine/UXO area in Ceyrancol is more than 60 mln square meters. 19 mln square meters territory will be cleared under the auspices of NAMSA.



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