Croatia opens consulate in Baku

The Croatian consulate opened in Baku.
President of Croatia Ivo Josipović and his spouse Tatyana Josipović attended the opening ceremony.
The opening of the consulate promotes further development of friendship and cooperation between the two nations, Croatian President Ivo Josipović said at the opening of the consulate in Baku during his official visit to Azerbaijan.
Stressing the high level of political ties between the countries, he expressed hope that their economic relations would reach a new level after the consulate is opened.
The opening ceremony was also attended by Croatian delegation members.
Josipović delivered an official document about the beginning of the consulate's activity to Croatia's Honorary Consul in Azerbaijan Kanan Mammadov.
The president also met with members of the Croatian community and consular officials and familiarized himself with the building.
The Croatian president and his spouse wished success to the consulate.



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