President Ilham Aliyev inaugurates Astara central hospital after major repair and reconstruction

On March 13th President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev inaugurated the Astara central hospital after major repair.
The Head of State saw stands reflecting previous and present look of the hospital.
The ground floor of the hospital has gynecological sections, operating-room, therapy ward for the new-born children, ultrasound investigation, 10 wards, kitchen, buffet and service rooms. The first floor houses the surgery, reanimation and intensive therapy sections, two operating halls, 11 wards, kitchen, buffet and service rooms. The second floor has therapy rooms, 13 wards, cuisine, buffet and service rooms. The park was also laid out in the area of 1.5 hectares.
The Head of State met with staff of the hospital.
On behalf of the staff, physician Aliya Hasanova thanked President Ilham Aliyev for attention and care about development of health.
President Ilham Aliyev posed for photographs together with staff of the hospital.



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