UK, Azerbaijan: 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations marked

An event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of establishment of the diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom has been arranged in Azerbaijani Embassy in the UK.
According to the Embassy, former UK Ambassador to Azerbaijan Andrew Tucker, Co-Chair of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society Lord Fraser and members of the Society, ambassadors and diplomats accredited in London, representatives of the European Azerbaijan Society, Azerbaijan Airlines and the International Bank of Azerbaijan and Media participated in the event.
Addressing the event Ambassador Fakhraddin Gurbanov informed the participants on the history and present state of the relations between the two countries.
He noted that Azerbaijan-UK cooperation expanded within 20 years, adding that the British companies play important role in the energy policy of country.
Fakhraddin Gurbanov underlined that the British companies are interested in the non-oil sector, highlighted that the relations on education, culture and civil society are expanding.
He said that Azerbaijan which is a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council will cooperate with the UK on the international level in the next two years.
The Ambassador noted that there are wide opportunities for cooperation between the two countries in the sphere of education and cultural exchange.
Co-Chair of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society Lord Fraser also expressed satisfaction with the level of cooperation between the two countries.
Speaking of Azerbaijan`s achievements in the past 20 years, Lord Fraser wished success to Azerbaijan in hosting Eurovision Song Contest.
Following the event Azerbaijani cuisine were presented to the participants.



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