Third think tanks forum of OIC Countries kicks off in Baku

On March 2nd the third Think Tanks Forum of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries entitled "Change and Transformation in the OIC Countries" started here as part of the cooperation between the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan (SAM) and Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TACSS). 
More than 100 representatives from 70 countries, including state and government officials, heads of OIC think tanks, scientists, representatives of international organizations and diplomatic corps, experts are attending the event.
The Forum started with recitation of a sura from the Quran. Head of the Presidential Administration, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev read out the congratulatory message of the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to the Forum participants, and addressed the event.
The Forum will continue with panel sessions on "Socio-Economic and Political Transformation - Basic Dynamics", "Vision Development for National and International Policies", "Innovation in Public Administration".
The sessions will see debates on changes in OIC states, modern trends of globalization and nationality factor, establishment of confidence and dialogue for peace on Muslim countries, recent challenges for the national and regional security, and other issues.
The participants will also discuss modernization problems of Azerbaijan, role of the big business in socio-economic transformation of the country, settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and other issues.
The second day of the Forum will feature discussions on "Conflict Resolutions in Islamic Countries", "Building and Sustaining the New Think Tanks".
The memorandum of understanding will be signed and Baku Declaration will be adopted at the final meeting of the Forum.



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