Documentary on 20th anniversary of Garadaghli genocide presented

The presentation of s documentary and commemorative ceremony on the 20th anniversary of the massacre committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis in Garadaghli village of Khojavend region has been held in Baku.
The event brought together MPs, representatives of the diplomatic corps, intellectuals and journalists.
Governor of Khojavand Eyvaz Huseynov said that 118 people were taken prisoners and 33 were killed by Armenians during the occupation of Garadaghli village on February 17, 1992. "Armenians threw the killed and wounded Azerbaijanis to the wells and covered them with soil."
"Besides, 68 Azerbaijanis taken captive were killed and 50 were freed from captivity. 18 of freed from captivity died as a result consequences of tortures by Armenians. 4 persons from two families were killed, householders of 42 families were killed and about 140 children became orphans."
Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov noted that it was important to give a legal evaluation to the genocide committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis, including Garadaghli tragedy.
"I gave an instruction for translating the film on Garadaghli genocide to other languages and showing it abroad," Hasanov added.
Military Prosecutor Khanlar Valiyev also spoke about the tragedy.



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