Germany`s "Peter Lang" publishes book on Heydar Aliyev

The "Peter Lang" influential publishers of Germany have released a book ("The Founder. Heydar Aliyev as a Personality and Statesman") dwelling on the life and activity of the national leader of Azerbaijan. 
The book written by the German scholar Johannes Rau the national leader of Azerbaijan is characterized as a founder of independent Azerbaijan, great politician and statesman.
The edition deals with the environment where the national leader was born, in particular a simple Azerbaijani family that gave birth to the prominent statesman. The author traces the life and political activity of Heydar Aliyev, his ability of becoming one of the leaders of the Soviet Union.
The great leader`s political will, farsightedness and people's trust in him are underlined as characteristic features of the outstanding Azerbaijani.
Basing of rich archives, the book presents detailed information on merits of Heydar Aliyev at the high post of the USSR, his huge contribution to the independence of Azerbaijan, to popularize his motherland all over the world.
The book sheds light also on the backstreet intrigues and struggles conducted by the then leader of Soviet Union Michael Gorbachev against Heydar Aliyev, presenting true archival materials to the German community.



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