PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs pleased with application of European Continental Legal system in Azerbaijan

As earlier reported, PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs for Azerbaijan Joseph Debono Grech (Malta) and Pedro Agramount (Spain) are visiting Baku. In the frame of visit, the co-rapporteurs met with the chairwoman of Civil Collegium of the Supreme Court. 
PACE officers were informed on Azerbaijan`s judicial system, new structure and activity of the Supreme Court, how the continental legal system is being applied in the country, the process of integration of Azerbaijan`s judicial system to the European legal system. The co-rapporteurs were updated on the novelties in the legal system of Azerbaijan, application of international legal acts, the procedure of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms (European Convention) that are regularly trained in the Supreme Court. Use of information technologies in the legal system was a separate topic focused on.
PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs praised the works done in legal-judicial field, the reforms implemented regularly, in particular, the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, expressed their support to make every effort to assist in realization of democratic processes.
PACE Monitoring Committee co-rapporteurs for Azerbaijan Joseph Debono Grech and Pedro Agramount were given detailed information on the issues of registration of NGOs in the country, the question of political prisoner and alternative military service.



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