Executive Director of American Karabakh Foundation meets members of Azerbaijani Community of Nagorno-Karabakh

On July 13th Executive Director of American Karabakh Foundation Diana Altman, her deputy Tural Kerimli and Administrative Manager of the Foundation Andrea de Souza met here with board members of the Public Union "Azerbaijani Community of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan".
Altman told of the aim of their visit, and the meetings they held in Baku and Azerbaijan's regions.
She said Americans have not enough information about Azerbaijan and the Karabakh problem. She said the Washington-based Foundation wants to raise awareness of the US public about the culture, art and cuisine of Azerbaijan and especially of Karabakh.
Altman also spoke about two scholarship programs being implemented by the Foundation. The scholarship programs support scientific researches related to history, culture, language, customs, art, cuisine, music, ancient architecture and distinguished figures of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus.
Leader of the Azerbaijani community and chief of Executive Power of the Shusha region Bayram Safarov informed the visitors about activities of the Public Union, and the history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Safarov said the Union was interested in "close" cooperation with the Foundation.



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