47 detained for trespassing Azerbaijani State Border in June

47 trespassers were detained in Azerbaijan, the State Border Service said.
34 of them were citizens of Azerbaijan, 7 - citizens of Georgia, 4 - of Iran, 1 citizen of Turkey and 1 - Bangladesh. 66 trespassers were detained in the 30 cases. 82 wanted persons were detained and handed over to law enforcers in June.
As a result measures against illicit drug turnover, 53 kilograms 308 grams of drugs were found and confiscated in 7 current in June.
As a result of anti-smuggle operations, the contraband worth of 1. 74. 558 AZN in 80 cases, including numerous currency, mobile phones, 420 cigarettes, 780 medicines, 372 medical equipments, large deal of alcohol drinks, food, industrial goods and etc. were detained.



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