OSCE hosts tolerance and prevention of discrimination conference in Astana

The conference dedicated to tolerance and prevention of discrimination wrapped up in Astana.
The event brought together representatives and experts from 56 OSCE member countries and authoritative international organizations.
Azerbaijan was represented by a delegation led by Hidayat Orujov, head of the State Committee on Work with Religious Structures. The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Kazakhstan's Secretary of State and Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev opened the event, which was followed by report of the head of Kazakh State Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Questions on tolerance and prevention of discrimination, combating anti-Semitism and racism, the role of legislative and law-enforcement bodies and media in this and other issues were in focus of conferees.
Experts of OSCE member countries had exchange of views in creation of certain inter-ethnic dialogue mechanism on tolerance and ensuring human rights.
Hidayat Orujov spoke of human rights condition in Azerbaijan, also highlighting the situation in settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh, the heavy sequences the conflict caused, the plight of over one million of Azeri refugees and IDPs driven by Armenian militants.
Azerbaijan is for peaceful solution of the problem, while Armenia ignores the fair resolutions of the international organizations and demand of the world community to liberate the occupied areas of Azerbaijan, Orujov stressed. According to him, Armenia is "not interested in settlement of the problem."
President Jorge Sampaio, High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), Mevlut Chavushoglu, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Knut Vollebaek and others attended the conference.



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