Baku hosts conference and seminar on "Values of new media era"

On June 30th a conference and seminar on "Values of new media era" was held here with the collaboration of Media Center of Azerbaijan and support of the European Broadcasting Union and Norway's public broadcaster.
The event brought together representatives of media outlets and NGOs.
The conference and seminar focused on media legislation and freedom of speech.
Moderator of the event, EBU`s Director General Ingrid Deltenre said the discussions would be useful for journalists.
Attending the event, chief of the Presidential Administration's department for socio-political affairs Ali Hasanov spoke of the current state of media in Azerbaijan. Hasanov noted publishing of more than 300 daily mass media, free access to information by ten thousands of journalists, establishment of perfect media legislature is evidence to the reliable conditions created for development of free media.
Azerbaijan is a sole country in the CIS where the media founders don't need special licenses, Hasanov said.
According to Hasanov, the government of Azerbaijan does everything for development of free media, the freedom of word and speech and integration of national media to transnational world information space.
Miklos Haraszti, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media underlined the positive tendencies in development of Azerbaijan media.
Azerbaijan's deputy minister of communication and technology Iltimad Mammadov spoke of speedy development of ICT sector in the country.
The event participants put forward proposals to develop journalism and increase professionalism and responsibility of journalists.



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