GUAM heads of tourism authorities gather in Baku

On June 25th the 5th meeting of GUAM member states` heads of tourism authorities was held here.
The event brought together GUAM Secretary General Valeri Chechelashvili, Azerbaijan's minister of culture and tourism Abulfas Garayev, Japanese ambassador Masamitsu Oki, Ukrainian Charge d`Affaires Dmitry Bojok, Director General of Moldova`s Tourism Agency Ludmila Dumitras, official of Georgian Ministry of Economic Development Zaal Abazadze and other officials.
The event focused on a wide range of issues, including how to establish tourism products of GUAM, create the organization's tourism portal and boost relevant cooperation.
The meeting was opened by minister Abulfas Garayev who said the event had been devoted to a new project drawn up by GUAM member countries. Garayev briefed the participants on the progress made in his country to develop tourism sector. He mentioned the State Program for Development of Tourism in Azerbaijan for 2010-2014 approved by President Ilham Aliyev.
Other speakers at the event stressed the necessity to develop tourism cooperation.
The meeting culminated in adoption of a protocol, Baku Declaration, Plan of Action on development of GUAM-Japan joint tourism product.



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