IDB prizes presented in Baku

An official reception was given to participants of the 35th annual meeting of IDB Group Board of Governors on behalf of President Ilham Aliyev.
Addressing the event, Economic Development Minister Shahin Mustafayev spoke of President Ilham Aliyev`s contributions to development of relations with Islamic countries.
He noted the decisions made at the annual meeting would give an impetus to development of Islamic countries. Mustafayev congratulated Ahmet Mohammad Ali on his re-election as IDB President.
IDB President Mohammad Ali thanked President Ilham Aliyev for assisting in organizing the 35th annual meeting .
IDB Prizes in the nominations for Islamic Banking and Finance, Science and Technology, Women's Contribution to Development have been presented to the winners.
The Islamic Banking and Finance award went to Refaat Abdulkarim for his scientific articles contributing to the Bank's activity, Science and Technology prize to Isfahan Science and Technology Center, Pakistan Research Institute of Chemistry. Gazza Islamic University's engineering department.
Zahra Idali (Marocco), Ma Cziying (China) received IDB Women's Contribution to Development prize.



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