US ambassador: President Obama places great importance to US-Azerbaijan ties

"The way President Obama appointed me to be able to come here to Azerbaijan, I think underscores how important he views relations between the United Nations and Azerbaijan to be,` incoming US ambassador Matthew Bryza told a news conference here on Thursday.
He pointed out President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton both made clear how "important" the relationship, friendship and partnership between the two countries is.
"So, we have a lot of work together, as I with instructions from our President will make every effort possible to deepen partnership between our countries and to convey my country`s deep respect for your country," he said.
Bryza underscored that both nations have "very broad and deep" set of strategic interests that bring the countries together.
"I have spoken before about our interest that we share on security, energy and internal reforms," he said.
According to him, no issue is more important than doing everything possible to help the Minsk Group co-chairs find a peaceful and negotiated settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
He pledged to do everything possible to support the efforts of ambassador Bradtke and OSCE Minsk Group to help both sides reach a settlement that is "compromised, that is fair and that will last".
"We think a negotiated and peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict would be great for the entire region. That will strengthen prosperity of the entire region and increase the strategic importance of the entire region," he said.
The ambassador expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan for country`s continuing cooperation in fighting terrorism and especially, for standing with American soldiers in Afghanistan.
On the energy cooperation, the diplomat noted, countries and companies saw a "serious" stage in the talks on the Southern Corridor. He pointed out the project would help diversify natural gas supplies to Europe and bring Azerbaijan and Europe closer. Bryza said US administration is keen on supporting the project.
The diplomat praised ongoing democratic and market-oriented reforms in Azerbaijan.
"We welcome recently announced anticorruption initiative," he said.



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