Salt Museum launched in Nakhchivan

A Salt Museum has been launched in Duzdagh Hotel, Nakhchivan. The museum was established by the Order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov.

Chairman of the Supreme Assembly Vasif Talibov cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the Museum.

Vasif Talibov described the opening of Nakhchivan Salt Museum as an important event.

The chairman of the Supreme Assembly thanked those who contributed to the establishment of Nakhchivan Salt Museum.

The event participants then viewed the museum, which features 81 exhibits as well as various models made of salt, books published on Nakhchivan Duzdagh, newspapers on the city of Nakhchivan, Prophet Noah and Nakhchivan, Duzdagh culture and salt fields, and a collection of documents "Duzdagh".


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