"Poland sees Azerbaijan as an integral part of Europe", Katarzyna Pisarska

Director of the European Academy of Diplomacy of the Republic of Poland Ms Katarzyna Pisarska, who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, visited the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SAM).
Mrs. Pisarska informed about the activity of the European Academy of Diplomacy she heads and said one of the main goals of her visit is to establish contacts with the think tanks of Azerbaijan and discuss the prospects of cooperation.
Speaking about the bilateral relations between Poland and Azerbaijan, K Pisarska said Warsaw sees Azerbaijan as an integral part of Europe and the development of relations with the South Caucasus, in particular, with Azerbaijan in the framework of the Eastern Partnership Program (EPP) would be a priority for Poland during its presidency in the European Union in July, 2011.
Mrs. Pisarska was informed on the activity of SAM and about the economic development of Azerbaijan, the process of democracy building, as well as Azerbaijan`s stance for the settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
At the meeting, also were discussed a range of regional and international problems and issues of mutual interests.



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