The State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population has held seminar- deliberation in Ganja

The explanation works related to new changes in pension legislation for employees of local institutions are being continued by State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the regions of our republic. For this purpose, the seminar- deliberation was held in Ganja by Fund.

  The employees of relevant sectors of Nizami and Kapaz district offices of Ganja city, Shamkir, Gadabay, Aghstafa, Gazakh, Tovuz, Goranboy, Samukh, Goygol, Dashkesen, Naftalan, Khojali, Kalbajar of the State Social Protection Fund attended at the event.

  The assignment and explanation related to execution of the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev on amendments to the Decree dated May 1, 2017 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 10, 2017 on application of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated March 6, 2006 and application of the Law No. 377 of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On labour pensions" "On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan" "On labour pensions" were noted at seminar- deliberation.

  It was stressed that, the changes in  pension  legislation entered into force on July 1, 2017 were prepared and accepted according to “The concept of the pension system reform in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2014-2020” approved by Decision of the head of state dated November 4, 2014. This reform serves elimination of obligations not related to social insurance in pension system, formation of pension rights only on the basis of adequate insurance coverage and optimization of the financial burden of the system according to this. The presentation about reforms in the pension system was presented and full information about this reform was given by the experts of the State Social Protection Fund.

  The seminar- deliberation has continued by answering the participants' questions. Note that, the first such a seminar- deliberation was held at the apparatus of the State Social Protection Fund. At the event, the relevant assignment and explanations were given to employees of district departments of Baku, Sumgayit , Gubadli, Zangilan, Shusha, Khizi, Absheron and etc. of the Fund.

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