Belarus needs Azerbaijan's experience in providing security during European Games

As is known, Belarus is to host the II European games in 2019. To this end, a delegation comprising officials of the Belarus Ministry of Emergency Situations have arrived in Azerbaijan to hold discussions in connection with the second European Games to be held in Minsk in 2019.

Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations, Lieutenant-General Etibar Mirzayev informed the Belarus delegation about the ministry’s activities in this direction.

Members of the Belarus delegation noted that the purpose of their visit is to study Azerbaijan's experience in security issues during the organizing of the European Games.

Etibar Mirzayev spoke about the work done by Emergency Situations Ministry to ensure security during the Games.

At the meeting, the Belarus delegation was thoroughly informed about the conduct of fire-and-technical inspection of sports venues, risk assessment, clarification of evacuation plans, trainings on prevention of emergency situations and elimination of their consequences, and the work of operations headquarters created to manage the manpower and equipment.

During the visit, the Belarus delegation familiarized itself with the activities of the ministry’s Crisis Management Center, the State Fire Service and Special Risk Rescue Service.


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