Statement by the press-service of President of the Azerbaijan Republic

These days the Wikileaks website has disseminated materials ostensibly reflecting "some latent moments" of the meetings held by the USA officials with foreign heads of the states and representatives. The mentioned materials include some thoughts and judgments connected also with a meeting the President of the Azerbaijan Republic held with official representatives of the USA.
To this end, we state that the thoughts and judgments referred to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev on the website at all don't reflect the reality and are absolutely unreasonable. These materials are the open provocation pursuing the aim to undermine the relation of Azerbaijan with the neighboring states, to sow mistrust between heads of the states. In lexicon of the President there are no slangy expressions, sharp and emotional estimations stated on the website. The Azerbaijan Republic never interfered with questions of internal policy of the neighboring states and always pursued transparent policy, serving to maintenance and development of good-neighborhood relations with the regional states. At all meetings and in statements the President of Azerbaijan openly stated the thoughts dictated by national interests. The country`s foreign policy always was independent, stable, logical and sincere.



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