Azerbaijani martyred pilots laid to rest

A farewell ceremony has been held at the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry's Training Center for the pilots of the Azerbaijani Air Force - Major Tabriz Musazade, Major Urfan Valizade, Senior Lieutenant Bakir Ismayilov and Lieutenant Colonel Murad Mirzayev, who lost their lives as a Mi-24 helicopter was downed by the Armenian military units in the recent escalation of violence of the line of contact between the Armenian and Azerbaijani troops.

Azerbaijan's state and government officials, including Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov, first Deputy Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Najmaddin Sadikov, Deputy Prosecutor General and Military Prosecutor Khanlar Valiyev, MPs, family members of the martyrs, servicemen and members of the general public attended the farewell ceremony.

The Defense Ministry`s officials expressed condolences to relatives and parents of the martyrs.

Addressing the ceremony, Defense Minister Hasanov said the Azerbaijani army would “take revenge for our martyrs and our lands would soon be liberated”.

The pilots will be buried in Second Alley of Honors in Baku.


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