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06.11.2010 05:43 | Readed: 501
Discussions have been held in the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Commitee of the UN General Assembly on the "Right of peoples to self-determination".
The discussions were attended by representatives of 37 member countries. Addressing the event, Tofig Musayev, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations said self-determination "applies to the peoples of the colonially defined territorial units and peoples subjected to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation, including peoples under foreign military occupation". " certain instances we continue facing with flagrant misinterpretation of the principle of self-determination, especially when it is misapplied to justify the illegal use of force, military occupation and externally instigated unilateral secessions from independent States." "It is essential to point out in this regard that the right to self-determination cannot be interpreted to mean that any group can decide for itself its own political status up to and including secession from an already independent State," the diplomat added.
According to him, "international law is unambiguous in not providing for a right of unilateral secession from independent States and in not creating grounds and conditions for legitimizing non-consensual secession in any sense. Moreover, secession from an existing sovereign State does not involve the exercise of any right conferred in international law, including the right to self-determination, and hence has no place within the generally accepted norms and principles of international law.
Musayev pointed out "Azerbaijan believes that faithful observance of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation among States and the fulfillment in good faith of the obligations assumed by States are of the greatest importance for the maintenance of international peace and security."Answering the Armenian delegation`s statement in the discussions, Musayev said "it is curious, to say the least, that the delegation of Armenia - the country which bears primary responsibility for unleashing the war of aggression against Azerbaijan and committing other serious international crimes during the conflict - prefers to criticize other countries and lecture them on the issues pertaining to such notions as peace, human rights, negotiations and the settlement of conflicts". "Accordingly, what the Armenian side considers "the exercise of the right to self-determination" by the Armenian minority group in Azerbaijan has been unequivocally qualified by the Security Council and the General Assembly, as well as by other authoritative international organizations, as the illegal use of force against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan."
He said "we consider the stance of Armenia as an open challenge to the conflict settlement process and a serious threat to international and regional peace and security. The earlier the officials of this country realize the lack of any perspective of their unconstructive and dangerous political agenda, the sooner our peoples will be able to benefit from peace, stability and cooperation."
The comments made by the delegation of Armenia has become yet another solid piece of evidence of this country's annexationist intentions and not only made it clear that the officials in Yerevan continue to remain under the influence of its destructive policy, but also illustrated that they are far from even thinking of engaging in a sober and efficient search for peace in the region.
"Armenia must finally realize that, for the purposes of lasting peace and stability, there is no alternative other than putting a prompt end to its illegal occupation of Azerbaijani territory, renouncing its policy of ethnic hatred and territorial claims towards neighboring nations and establishing civilized relations with all regional countries."
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