620 vacant workplaces were presented to unemployed and job seeker citizens in the Job fair held by the MLSPP in Sumgait

The Job fair for unemployed and job seeker citizens was held in Sumgait (in the foyer of Sumgait State University) by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 
   620 vacant workplaces on worker and servant professions were offered to unemployed and job seeker citizens by 37 enterprises ("Azerkimya" PU, "Azersun Holding" LLC , "Gilan Textile Park" , "Sumgait Technologies Park" , "BASF" company,  REDUCO Training Center "Samurai Plastic" firm and etc. ) in job fair. 
   The lowest limit of the wage was 200 manat and highest limit1, 200 manat in submitted workplaces. The representatives of enterprises presented vacant workplaces also attended the active employment event. The registration of jobseekers and jobless citizens for their involvement in vocational training courses in accordance with the requirements of the existing labour market and paid public works was also conducted during the event.


 The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan

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